
Becoming conscious of
a bigger reality

Will help you gain the confidence to master today’s challenges


Future proofing your life

Master your inner power and
use it wisely


Feeling at home in a rapidly
changing world

There is no going back to ‘normal'

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Understand the new reality of today’s complex and uncertain times and master the new skills needed to thrive. 


Ask what you can do for the Whole, not what it can do for you


Choosing with awareness, wisdom and integrity


Understand how the world really works and recognize the patterns

The 2nd Life Strategies

  • Who is The 2nd Life Program for?

    If you know in your soul that in order to thrive and greatly reduce stress, you have to transform and master new skills

  • What is The 2nd Life Program about?

    Understanding and learning how to use your power to make wise choices that serve the whole and, thereby you!

  • How will The 2nd Life Program help you?

    The Ecoawareness Method offers structure and practical guidance, in concert with opening up to a bigger reality. From this perspective issues and solutions will make much more sense and the way forward is clear.

I am Michiel Doorn

I believe that we are all here for a reason and we are all very much needed.

I’m passionate about helping people and organizations navigate today’s complexities and (re)define their unique purpose and vision.

Key is to really understand what forces are at play today on a physical/global and cosmological level and learn how to work with these. Very simply put: We need a win-win relationship with the Earth

Nothing is as powerful as understanding the power of your choices. With wise and conscious choices you are redirecting the flow of your life, and thereby all of Life. If you master this, can you imagine what that will do for your self-power and, hence, for your well-being and success?

For Organizations

Exterior work

Accelerating the transition to sustainable, circular economy business models and operations.

For You

Interior work

Helping you expand your spiritual awareness and experience is a cornerstone of this program.


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